Publications & Talks

Publications & Talks


Selected Talks

  • Jay Hyun Jo, “Results of DM-Ice17 and the Status of COSINE-100”, IPA 2017, Madison, May 8-10, 2017 (PDF)
  • Jay Hyun Jo, “Results from DM-Ice17” IDM 2016, Sheffield, UK, July 20, 2016 (PDF)
  • Reina Maruyama, “Results from DM-Ice17” UCLA Dark Matter 2016, UCLA, February 19, 2016 (PDF)
  • Antonia Hubbard, “Status and Prospects for DM-Ice”, Lake Louise Winter Institute 2016, Lake Louise, Canada, February 7-13, 2016 (PDF)
  • Reina Maruyama, “Results from the DM-Ice17 Dark Matter Experiment at the South Pole” TAUP 2015, Torino, Italy. September 9, 2015 (PDF)
  • Antonia Hubbard, “Impact of DM-Ice17 Myon Data on IceCube Reconstructions” VLVNT 2015, Rome, Italy. September 14 - 16, 2015 (PDF)
  • Reina Maruyama, “First Data from DM-Ice17, Prospects for DM-Ice,” Mini-Workshop on direct search of dark matter, Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, Korea. July 7, 2015. (PDF)
  • Walter Pettus, “Background Characterization and Detector Sensitivity in DM-Ice” SSGF 2015 Annual Program Review, Washington, D.C., June 30, 2105 (PDF)
  • Reina Maruyama, “DM-Ice: First Data from DM-Ice17 and Prospects for the Future,” Physics Department/INFN Particle Physics Seminar, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy,  May 12, 2014. 
  • Reina Maruyama, “First Data from DM-Ice,” Lake Louise Winter Institute, Lake Louise, Canada, Feb. 16 - 22, 2014. (PDF)

Selected Posters

  • Field Rogers, “Temperature Dependence of Pulse Shape in Sodium Iodide” DNP 2015, Santa Fe, NM, October 28-31, 2015 
  • Nikita Dutta, “Coincident Muon Analysis Between the DM-Ice17 and IceCube Detectors” DNP 2015, Santa Fe, NM, October 28-31, 2015 
  • Antonia Hubbard, “Science Results from the DM-Ice17 Dark Matter Experiment” TAUP 2015, Torino, Italy, September 7 - 11, 2015 (PDF)
  • Walter Pettus, “The DM-Ice Dark Matter Experiment” ISAPP 2011, Heidelberg, Germany, July 8 - 15, 2011 (PDF)
  • Bethany Reily, “DM-Ice: Dark Matter Search at the South Pole” ISAPP 2011, Heidelberg, Germany, July 8 - 15, 2011 (PDF)